This issue started after we rollback the nsx v2t migration. All the VM servers can't edit/modify
Error: No row with the given identifier exists
Base on the error screen capture above the ID reported in the error 'ef116751-8490-4052-9f79-95129330ee24' is for storage profile and it did not exist in the database
Here how we can check it:
SSH to primary cell
Type su - postgres
Type psql vcloud
Type \x
Running the below DB command will check if the specific ID has DB record
Note: There are 115 VMs that are pointing to this 'storage_class_lr_id' in vapp_vm table and all VMs are experiencing the same problem
To check VM count pointing on this DB table 'storage_class_lr_id' in vapp_vm. We can see the output is 115 VM Servers
Here to Listed the correct 'storage_class_lr_id' for these VMs using OrgvDC id:
Updated the value of 'storage_class_lr_id' for 2 VMs (VM1 & VM2) to '0a2f9fd1-f9c9-4c73-bc49-8a9c246083c4' which is the ID of storage policy named "DS Performance".
Type update vapp_vm set storage_class_lr_id='0a2f9fd1-f9c9-4c73-bc49-8a9c246083c4' where storage_class_lr_id='ef116751-8490-4052-9f79-95129330ee24' AND name='VM1';
Type update vapp_vm_disk_storage_class set storage_class_lr_id='0a2f9fd1-f9c9-4c73-bc49-8a9c246083c4' where storage_class_lr_id='ef116751-8490-4052-9f79-95129330ee24' AND name='VM1';
Post which we could successfully able to delete these VMs & associated vApps from vCD UI.
Followed the similar approach for remaining VMs & vApps.
Note: This is my personal and owned experience that I love to share in the VMware Community. I hope you appreciate it, thank you