Note: The partition /storage/archive partition can get full by design, as it is aimed at storing as much WAL history as possible and is automatically cleaned up by the archiver service by removing automatically the oldest WAL segments.
Note: These files can be removed manually but not recommended as it will be automatically done by the archiver service. In any case it will not cause any issues to VCSA functionality. Also, do not increase any partition on VCSA. VMware does not recommend increasing VCSA partition.
Workaround: Disabling Alerts (safely) in VMware vRealize Operations Manager or any inhouse monitoring tool
Reference VMware KB:
- Log in to the VCSA or PSC SSH console as root user.
- To Check Disk space run df -h
- Navigate to the archive directory in SSH cd /storage/archive/vpostgres and check the files ls -ltr ( Note: /dev/mapper/archive_vg-archive 95% usage )
- find files older than 60 Days run find * -mtime +60
- To remove the files older than 60 Days run find -mindepth 1 -mtime +60 -delete
- Check Disk space run df -h ( Note: /dev/mapper/archive_vg-archive now it has 33% usage )
- issue got fixed