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vCD Cell Upgrade Process


- Set failover method to manual (Only when using HA setup in vCloud Director)

- Make a snapshot of the vCloud Director Cells and DB

Stop vCD Cell services:

- SSH into Cell and go to this path location cd /opt/vmware/vcloud-director/bin

- Run this command ./cell-management-tool -u administrator cell -t (Make sure job count = 0)

- Run ./cell-management-tool -u administrator cell -q true

- Run ./cell-management-tool -u administrator cell -t (Make sure Is Active = False)

- Run this command to stop the services service vmware-vcd stop

Backup PostGres Database:

- SSH into Cell DB (use root creds)

- Check disk space on server with df-h ( Make sure you have enough free sapce )

- Run this command to backup DB pg_dump --dbname=vcloud[site] --host=[server fqdn] --port=5432 --username=vcloud > /vcd/backup/[db backup filename]

- Upload the upgrade bundle to the primary Cell node using WINSCP and set the transfer Settings to BINARY

- Create a new folder in the /tmp/ directory named local-update-package

- Run an MD5 sum on the file you uploaded, from cell putty session run md5sum vmware-vcloud-director-distribution-10.1.3-17672887.bin

- You can use note ++ to make sure strings are the same ( In this example this is the checksum 65dad73d9d5d19c492bfcf648a8cba13 )

- Change permissions on update file Run chmod u+x vmware-vcloud-director-distribution-10.1.3-17672887.bin

- Run update (one cell at a time, wait for first to finish, don’t let it power back on automatically when prompted) Run sh ./vmware-vcloud-director-distribution-10.1.3-17672887.bin or ./vmware-vcloud-director-distribution-10.1.3-17672887.bin

Note: Upgrade the DB Schema first before start the Cell Services

- Run /opt/vmware/vcloud-director/bin/upgrade ( To Perform the upgrade of the Cloud Director database )

Note: Only run database update from last cell

- Login to the provider portal to validate the version of the Cloud Director instance.

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